Summer is a very diverse time for us and one of the most exciting times of the year – so much is going on! Our little ice cold spring creeks with wild browns and brookies in the Huron-Manistee National forest are fishing amazingly well at this time of year. Tricos emerge in the morning, ants and terrestrials of all kinds throughout the day- and then evening sees big stoneflies, BWO’s and mice getting the trout on the hunt.
On the big tailwater, we fish early mornings to watch for potentially heating-up water temps in the afternoon. The power company runs the cold water bubbler all night so morning water temperatures are in the middle 60’s- but can heat up quickly. The upcoming years will see more cooperation with the power authorities to seek colder water that can be found from Hardy Reservoir- we have made major improvements. On the main river Tricos in the morning are followed by caddis and midge action all day and night.
Again the big boys of summer are the summer Skamania steelhead. The St. Joseph- Big Manistee and now the Muskegon get runs of then all summer long – but it is a very early morning game. On the big tailwaters which these all are, you have the ability to swing intruders and tubes, true West Coast style with floating Scandi lines and aggressive swings to these fast taking and hard charging chrome beasts It is crack of dawn stuff to get the best bite and water temperatures. Black Purple -Blue and Silver with a tinge of pink are the best color combinations for intruders and tubes.