10/19- Water Temperature 57 F- Flow-1140 CFS-very low-rain on its way!
TONS! – what started out me thinking weak run- turned into I mean like “walking on them” status of spawning wild king salmon in the river- one of the strongest runs of them in over a decade and half- the true marvel of this statement is note the word “wild”- that’s impressive especially in these times of bare minimum

Trout still taking caddis on the surface- but have switched over to the caviar egg orgy from the salmon- Giant October Caddis running late and just started- Pseudocleon tiny BWO’S #24 just started also-sippers taking tiny rusty spinners- Hydro caddis still having strong egg-laying spinner flights in afternoon- You have to look hard for risers but they are there between all the slowly decaying carcasses of salmon in the backwater eddy’s – Swinging tandem Soft Hackle Wets /Trout Spey long rod style now into its own genre
Good numbers of fresh steelhead in the river and also trying to get in on the egg buffet – concentrate on pools and runs behind the salmon
Swinging for steel has been a hook-up or two when you get away from the salmon redds- But low water is impacting the swing – sometimes more tiny strips needed to keep fly moving in frog water where steelhead often lay-Intruder/ Egg dropper rigs have had good success due to the insane numbers of salmon eggs in rivers

Dry Fly steelhead “waking” to October Caddis patterns is a very strong possibility with these excellent low river flows- last year we caught several adult steelhead on the surface on October Caddis-( see my Ebb and Flow Blogs on October Caddis)
Michigan Atlantic Salmon runs have started ( Note: They are catch and release in the rivers!- so poachers!- dont get any ideas!)

New!- podcast dropped – Hope you enjoy it!
“Below the Meniscus”- Davy Wotton- Part 1- The Wet Fly- The Evolution, Tactics, Fly Designs and Art of Fly Fishing Wets Below the Surface
A Five Part Series on Hallowed Waters Podcasts

Cheers!- be well!- Pray for the World
Matthew Supinski 10/19/23